It is interesting to note that there were more boats competing 40 years ago than there were in 2005!
The North East Cruiser Racing Association was inaugurated on 30th September, 1965, at a meeting in Sunderland YC attended by representatives of the Royal Northumberland YC Sunderland YC and Hartlepool YC.2.
The Objects and Activities of the Association are set out in the 'Handbook and Rules'.3.
Vaux Breweries Ltd. of Sunderland, kindly donated a prize to be known as the "Vaux Silver Tankard", to be presented annually to the overall individual winner of the Association Championship.4. Results
1st | 2nd | 3rd | |
Bass Rock | Sintella | Outspan | Whin Sill |
8 entries | HYC | SYC | HYC |
S'land-Whitby | Myrica | Whin Sill | Janetta |
9 entries | SYC | HYC | SYC |
H'pool-S'land | Triton | Whin Sill | Strata |
21 entries | HYC | HYC | HYC |
Oil Rig | Windsbraut | Whin Sill | Strela |
6 entries | SYC | HYC | RNYC |
Bondicar | Whin Sill | Grendel | Vedra K |
29 entries | HYC | RNYC | SYC |
Club Championship-
1 | HYC | 48.4pts |
2 | SYC | 71.1pts |
3 | RNYC | 100.4pts |
Individual-Vaux Silver Tankard-
1. | Whin Sill | Dr. P. Hutchinson | HYC | 9 pts. |
2. | Sintella | J. M. Murray | HYC | 33.7 pts. |
3. | Outspan | G. Broome | SYC | 34.7 pts. |
4. | Windsbraut | G. Oestrich | SYC | 36.4 pts. |
5. | Triton | D. B. Moore | HYC | 39.7 pts. |
6. | Strela | R. H. Lowrie | RNYC | 41.7 pts. |
7. | Grendel | C. F. Fairey | RNYC | 42.7 pts. |
8. | Vedra K. | J. R. Kayll | SYC | 43.7 pts. |
9. | Finora | W. & D. Maclntyre | RNYC | 44.4 pts. |
10. | Strata | A. R. Neale | HYC | 45.4 pts. |
11. | Myrica | D. Brown | SYC | 45.7 pts. |
12. | Ciris | J. A. Mills | RNYC | 47 pts. |
41 yachts took part in 1 or more races.
There were 73 starts.
5. Description of Events
The Bass Rock Race was the longest of the series, at 160 miles, but with light winds and fair weather dominant the crews were able to enjoy the sunshine and the scenery. There were several patches of calm, and little windward work.
The Sunderland to Whitby race, an overnight event, promised at the start, with moderate westerlies, to give fast times. However; the wind fell light at dawn and the last few miles, with the tide setting against the fleet, required frequent use of the kedge.
The Hartlepool to Sunderland race, the shortest of the series at 21 miles, attracted a large entry from the Hartlepool Club. Moderate westerlies, which later fell light, gave reaching conditions which suited the winner, which was a trimaran. The smallest yacht in any race in the series, the 2.5 ton 'Strata' did well to be placed third.
The Oil Rig Race was shortened from a planned 130 miles to 40 miles, because of the weather conditions and the expectancy of gale force winds. Easterly winds brought swell and fog, and thus the race was largely decided by the accuracy of the navigation, the turning mark being an offshore buoy.
The Bondicar Race, traditionally the best supported event on the coast, had an entry of 29 yachts. Moderate westerlies, however, fell light causing all but eight yachts to retire. The average speed of the first yacht to finish was 2.8 knots. Light winds predominated throughout the series and this, together with the lack of windward work, gave an advantage to the yachts which carried masthead rig and therefore to the newer yachts.
6. General.
Participants were, in general, agreed that the programme and the arrangements were suitable to the conditions on the coast, and there was an increase in interest as the season passed. Tne programme for 1967 will, therefore, be very similar to that for 1966. It was felt, however, that not enough was done for the smaller yachts. In 1967 another shorter race, of 24 miles, will be added to the series, and a completely new competition will be arranged, restricted to yachts of less than 4.5 tons T.M.
As well as the five main races, other events, including 'feeder' races, and social gatherings took place, and it is evident that in the future the racing programmes for each member club will be arranged to suit particularly the NECRA events, The original aims of the Association are already being realised. Apart from the tangible evidence of the success of the events, racing has become keener, co-operation between the clubs and members has been improved, and cruiser sailing on the coast has been made more pleasurable for those participating in the events