Meeting Thursday 9th February 2006 7:30pm
Larry, Harold, Lisa, Ken, David, Nick (NESS),
John, Roger Errington (Tynemouth).
David Wheldon
Peter, Colin, Tony.
Roger from Tynemouth Sailing Club
Minutes of last meeting (13.12.06)
Agreed as an accurate account.
Matters arising
Dealt with under items below.
Item 1 - Club championship
Most people most in favour of proposal 3, based on which club has won the most individual races.
Proposal 3 agreed.
Item 2 - Number of races in series to count
A re-think. Inshore - 5 from 9 to count, that would mean vessels could miss 1 entire event.
Offshore - 3 from 5 to count, that would mean vessels could miss 1 entire weekend.
Item 3 - Classes
We have been unclear about class 3 and 4 results in the past. Sometimes separate, sometimes rolled together.
Discussion about whether sufficient boats will take part for separate classes. Agreed to treat all separately
this season.
Item 4 - Sports Boats
Letter from Barry Hughes. A heated discussion ensued regarding whether or not sports boats were sufficiently
catered for. One problem that has been highlighted is that boats cannot change class and therefore
registered sports boats are not able to compete in the offshore series, even if prepared to carry all safety
equipment. Several suggestions were discussed. Nick said that he thinks any true sports boats would fail to
fully meet category 4 standards. He feels that NECRA would be foolish to support such an advance. The committee
feels that sports boats should not be permitted to change classes during the season in order to compete in a series.
It was agreed that the original decision to not run a sports boat offshore series is to be upheld. Please see
the separate document from NESS outlining their suggestions.
Item 5 - Spring series
Spring series is part of the inshore series. NECRA are to use the sailing instructions of the host clubs
to determine winners of individual events (i.e. numbers of races to count). Harold suggested NECRA could make
a contribution to NECRA competitor's fees for the Royal Quays event. Larry would like a NECRA rep at the next
Spring series meeting.
Item 6 - Social event feedback
RNYC will continue on its quest to have as much fun as possible. SYC feel that their programme will be much
the same. WYC are to arrange for the bar to be open at noon on Saturday and for music in the evening.
Item 7 - Registrations
16 registrations to date, 4 of which are new to NECRA. 0 sports boats have registered so far! Ken Cameron
wants to be registered as Wear Boating.
Item 8 - NESS
Had a meeting recently, and a proposal put forward and agreed by all. The red books are totally out dated.
Safety officers to start an inspection of vessels. A certificate will be issued for boats that comply.
Safety officers to contact Larry so notification can be posted on the website when the vessel has passed
their inspection. Safety officers to be identified on the website. Nick to e-mail proposal to Lisa and
Larry. Life rafts or dinghy required on ALL OVERNIGHT races.
Item 9 - NERR
Report received from NERR. NERR working hard to get things in place by end of February. A small number of
vessels are causing a real headache. NECRA will just need to wait until NERR feel that the formula is correct.
Committee feels that even if rule not perfect that the formula needs to be completed and ratings for this season
published asap.
Item 10 - Regulations update
Larry feels they are out dated and would like some help to update them. Harold has agreed to check over
anything Larry compiles. David also happy to help out, pointed out regulations better described as Notice
of Race.
Item 11 - Prize giving
David to ask SYC to suggest some dates in November, preferably on a Saturday. Will circulate these as soon
as available. Representatives should check for clashes in their social calendar.
Item 12 - Newsletter
Positive feedback regarding newsletter and mail shot. A lot of people commented that it was the first
communication for about 4 years. We want to do another one.....but when? Early May - to include NERR, NESS,
Spring series, reminder of what is coming up, also the date for the prize giving dinner.
Item 13 - Website
Problem with the website in that with internet explorer the web page doesn't seem to open properly. Larry
to check. Also to add NESS report and safety officers.
Larry to respond to Barry Hughes. Larry read out the rest of Barry's letter to the committee.
Individual sailing instructions to be written by host clubs. John outlined some issues with tidal problems.
John suggests that the start times should be published on the website with 'earliest start times' that may
then be postponed by the host club. THYC will need to liase with SYC and WYC regarding the feeder races.
Sailing instructions should be made available 14 days prior to the event and these will be posted on the
NECRA website.
Date of next meeting
Thursday 30th March 7:30pm THYC.
Meeting closed 21:16
Lisa (Hon Sec)