  2024-09-18   NECRA races to HARTLEPOOL 21st September
Please note there are different start times for the races on 21st September.
From Whitby start 09:30
From Sunderland start 13:00
  2023-01-12   I am sad to report the death yesterday, of John Kennedy, the NERR ratings officer. John had not been in the best of health in recent years but continued to monitor the NERR ratings system. His experience will be sorely missed by the NECRA community. RIP John.


NECRA AGM Thursday 20th October 19.00

The NECRA AGM and open meeting will be held at the THYC clubhouse on Thursday 20th October at 19.00. The meeting will start with the AGM and nomination of the committee, then the presentation of prizes for the 21-22 season after which there will be a Chicken Curry dinner. There will then be an open meeting when members and guests can air their views, put forward any suggestions for improving and progressing NECRA. The meeting is open to all. The more the merrier. If you have any special dietary requirements please let me know ASAP. Contact me if you have any further enquires. Steve
  2022-06-10   FURTHER NEWS re access to Whitby Marina
Whitby YC have arranged an early Saturday morning bridge (5am) for boats completing the overnight race.
Many thanks to John Anderson and Adrian Fusco for this. Hopefully crews will be able to catch up on some sleep before embarking on the lunchtime session in the clubhouse!!
  2022-06-08   MOORING NEWS
Dave Addison (SYC) is arranging for some chain moorings (in the yacht club basin) for Friday pm for race entrants. There may also be some similar in the marina area. They will be available on a first come first served basis - phone dave on07798 791366 on approaching Sunderland to check the current avqilability. Dingies should be available on request.
  2022-04-07   Sadly, earlier today Harold Usherwood passed away. An Ex Commodore of THYC and Treasurer and Chairman of NECRA, he will be sorely missed. RIP Harold.
  2022-01-08   Hi guys

Compliments of the season to all!
Registration is now availabe for the 2022 season. Early registration is helpful, both from an Administration point of view, but also to encourage other boats to consider taking part in NECRA. Remember you can recoup your costs in terms of free or discounted moorings by simply taking part in one event.
  2021-09-28   Hi Folks

The AGM has been re-arranged for 11 November. The committee have decided that a virtual meeting is appropriate in the current circumstances. As normal it will be followed by an Open Meeting where the mebership can raise any points of concern.
  2021-07-09   Roker Regatta sailing instructions just posted!!

Vernon Dawson Prizegiving

Whitby Yacht Club will be providing a chilli including a vegetarian option on Saturday evening. The cost of food will be £6.00. You can make your booking to Prize giving will take place at Please register your intention to participate on the Necra website at least 7 days beforehand to ensure that you don’t miss out on discounted moorings at Scarborough and Whitby. Only registered boats will be entitled to mooring discounts at Scarborough or Whitby. Registering an intention to participate does not commit you to the event or to a mooring fee if you decide not to take part.

2021 Programme start

The first event of the new season is looming on 29th May with the Whitby Regatta. There are still Covid restrictions that we need to be aware of and restrictions that must be adhered to. Marina facilities at Whitby are already open but the Yacht Club will be closed until that weekend and even there will be subject to the number of people it can entertain. This will probably mean that visitors will need to cater for themselves away from the club. As far as sailing is concerned the racing will go ahead with the precautions set out by the RYA guidance. The difficulty will be the overnight restrictions of only having only 1 household sleeping on board. This could probably be got around by crew arriving on the day. No problem is insurmountable. We will get our sailing in this year.

Start Planning!

  2021-01-02   PLEASE NOTE

All 2020 registered boats and members have been carried over to 2021. Could members please check that the boats registered class and ratings are still correct.

THYC Winter Series is postponed until further notice

It is with regret that we are having to postpone the Winter Series as it is not permitted to run an organised sporting event whilst in Tier 4. We will monitor the situation and as soon as we are permitted to continue we will. You are still permitted to sail with bubble members. It can only get better. Stay safe until then. Steve

Race 2 of the THYC Winter Series is on for 09.30 on Sunday 20 December

Make sure you remind your crew of the earlier start time and if there is anyone who may not have got the message, please let them know. Make sure you allow plenty of time to lock out of the Marina. The main lockout for the race start is 08.55. These are the predicted depths in the Marina channel entrance for the return: 1030 2.50m 1100 2.10m 1130 1.80m 1200 1.60m The race start is from the water and I will get the correct VHF channel M2 this time. Remember to take your own finish time from GPS and let me have it as soon as possible after the race. I am asking for volunteers to do OOD in the new year. Please let me know if you or your crew are willing to take on one of the dates. Happy sailing and best wishes for Christmas and the New Year. Steve

THYC Race 2 change of start time

Hi All, I propose to change the start time for the next race to 9.30am to allow more time for the boats to get back into the Marina. In order to do this I need confirmation from all competitors that they have been notified of the change of start time. Would all participants who may take part in the next race email or text me ASAP to confirm they have received this notification of the change of start time on 20 December to 9.30am. If I do not hear from you I will attempt to telephone you in order to get confirmation. Cheers, Steve

THYC Winter Series Race 1 news

The THYC winter series finally got underway with a fantastic turnout of 14 boats many of which were new to this event and our faithful supporters from Sunderland. The race start was not without its hiccups. The OOD forgetting to check the radio channel and talking to only half the fleet on the wrong channel ended in a 2 minute delay of the start while he recovered the situation This year we have split the fleet into 2 classes with the split at handicap rating 0.8500 the boats evenly split with 7 in class 1 and 7 in class 2 allowing a different course for both classes to try and finish everyone as close to 1 hour as possible. The first finisher was at 10.53 and the last at 11.30. 9 of the boats finished within minutes of 11am. Late finishers were able to hold at Kafiga. Despite wet weather at the start everything turned out fine again. The first leg was a downwind run to the M but few were brave enough to fly spinnakers. Phoenix eventually got their new Asymmetric up but promptly had to get it down again, a task they’re struggling with at the moment. Sharky was understandably the first all the way and managed to get a clear run to the bell. There was a bit of jockeying behind to push to the front and Hocus Pocus showed how fast they were on a reach overtaking many Class 1 boats. The boats behind were not so lucky getting to the Bell and were stopped by a dramatic wind shift and had to beat in to make the Bell against a strong northerly tide. There was a lull in the wind then which helped the boats to bunch up again and both Rebellion and Phoenix were able to make up on Sharky. The Class 2 fleet were then heading for the H while Class 1 were backtracking to do another loop of M and Bell. Boysie and Cinnabar were fighting it out at the front of Class 2. With only 1 point between them last year this year will create a tussle to see who can get the top spot this year without Class 1 boats getting in the way. The wind started to fill in again first from the N and then from the NW giving a run to the M and finally a beat back to the H. At this point all boats were in the course A loop and creating a fine spectacle in front of the clubhouse. A pity there was no one there to see us. Results were: Class 1 1st Sharky, 2nd Rebellion, 3rd Phoenix. Class 2 1st Boysie, 2nd Cinnabar, 3rd Hocus Pocus. A good start, 7 races to go.

THYC Winter Series Race 1 6th December

Further to the end of lockdown and the start of Tier 3 in Hartlepool the THYC propose to start the Winter Series on 6th December 10.00am.
Although Hartlepool is in the next level of Covid restrictions the guidance is that organised Outdoor activity with up to 6 persons is allowed.
There are various other issues that each individual crew will need to consider.
You should not travel from a different Tiered area to the Tier 3 of Hartlepool.
You must take all reasonable social distancing and hygiene precautions.
You must not take part if you are unwell.
You must not take part if you have been in contact with a Covid positive person.
There will be no socializing before or after the events.
In order to minimize social contact it is proposed that the race start will be done by VHS Ch.M2 or P4 from the water. The call sign will still be Tees Tower. Competitors must then take their own GPS time at the finish and inform the OOD or myself within 1 hour of the last boat finishing. Any boat who fails to give a finish time within that period will be recorded as DNF.
Note that the tide for Sunday 6th is H.W. 07.20am, 4.60m. The race should have a duration of approximately 1 hour.
If there are any further updates I will email you and post on Facebook.
My contact is by email Telephone 07976 938064
Cheers, Steve

THYC Winter Series postponed until 6th December

Further to information received by Andrew Hughes and Ian Holtby the Government rule that there will be no exemptions from lockdown for all amateur sporting activities. So with regret we are postponing the first race of the Winter Series until 6th December 10.00am. We will review the situation prior to that date. Keep safe and we will keep you informed.

THYC Winter Series IS STILL ON and open to NECRA members

Further to the NECRA committee decision not to take part, the THYC Winter Series is still going ahead as planned subject to any further lock downs and is open to NECRA members. There are a limited number of winter berths available at the Kafiga, at a price to be agreed with THYC and there will be some social distancing needed in that area. If you are interested let me know as soon as possible.

More details are available from


NECRA committee decide to withdraw from Winter Series

It is with great regret that the NECRA committee have decided to withdraw from the THYC Winter Series. We have avoided Covid 19 throughout the Summer and the lockdowns seem to be closing in on us, Hartlepool Marina have withdrawn and we decided that it would be irresponsible to go ahead as there is a strong possibility that Hartlepool will be locked down in the near future.
Similarly we discussed the coming AGM and we propose to ballot the members for agreement to a virtual online meeting.
This disease is not going away anytime soon so although we are making plans for next year we are aware that everything could change at which point we will adapt. Our intention is to get back to sailing as soon as possible.

Stay safe and see you at our virtual meeting


THYC invites NECRA to join 3 distance races

The Tees and Hartlepool Yacht Club has kindly invited NECRA to join their 3 stand alone distance races. Starting with the Cutty Sark race to Saltscar and Back on the 9th August, then the All Marks Race on 23rd August which is rounding all their furthest marks in any order and then finally The Windfarm Race to circumnavigate the Redcar Windfarm on 13th September.
Coupled to that Hartlepool Marina are generously offering 50% discounted mooring for any visiting members of NECRA who wish to join these THYC events.

Please register your intention to race


All Summer NECRA events cancelled

With continuing restrictions on visiting other harbours and the risks of sharing on board facilities the committee has reluctantly decided to cancel all the rest of this years Summer program. The AGM will also be postponed until a later date.
Should there be any changes then this could be reviewed and there is further discussion planned for 4 September.

Keep watching this page for up to date news


Review of NECRA 2020 programme

The committee has decided to cancel our current programme until the end of July when we will again review the situation. Also the membership fees paid this year will be rolled over into next year and so your paid membership is now valid until 31 March 2022.
At this present time only crews who live together can sail together, you are not able to sleep on the boat, Marinas are unable to take a visiting boat, the yacht clubs are closed and there are no facilities open to the public.
There are signs that the rules are slowly being relaxed and it may change but until that happens you are asked to continue to follow the guidelines and take care of yourselves and others.
As soon as anything significant happens we will adapt our programme accordingly. Until then we just need to be patient.

More information from Whitby Harbour Master

Further to yesterdays update Whitby Harbour Master has issued more specific information on dos and donts. View these on the Whitby Harbour websites latest Covid update.

Can we go Sailing? - Covid 19 update - 14 May 2020

Further to the government update on Sunday, below is a copy of information issued by Scarborough Harbour Services - which clearly describes the current situation.
Dear Harbour User,
Following the Prime Ministers roadmap statement, and the publication of the UK Governments Covid-19 recovery strategy in relation to a phased easing of lockdown restrictions, we are currently receiving numerous enquiries from harbour users assessing the situation at Whitby and Scarborough Harbour as well as Filey Coble Landing. Our priority is the safety and well being of our staff, customers, emergency services and the general public including residents.
I am sure users are aware that the Government has advised that “as well as exercise, people can now spend time outdoors subject to not meeting up with any more than one person from outside your household; continued compliance with social distancing guidelines to remain two metres (6ft) away from people outside your household; good hand hygiene, particularly with respect to shared surfaces; and those responsible for public places being able to put appropriate measures in place to follow the new COVID-19 Secure guidance”.
We expect that specific government advice will confirm that certain sailing and water sports will be able to start shortly, following which our marina leisure facilities will need to be assessed and prepared to accommodate social distancing and hygiene measures. The British Ports Association and United Kingdom Harbour Masters Association are in daily contact with the relevant Government departments and are assured that further guidance is expected to be released shortly.
As such as the responsible Harbour Authority we need to employ the necessary measures to meet or exceed the new guidelines to provide a Covid secure environment. To establish what measures are appropriate, we need further detail and clarity. As a result we are not as yet encouraging users to visit their vessels however we hope to be able to do so in the very near future when we would like to make berth holders feel welcome to safely visit their boats while respecting and adhering to social distancing guidelines at all times.
We understand the desire to be on board your vessel, lift your vessel into the harbour or proceed to sea, but also appreciate that cumulatively we all have a duty to help reduce the rate of transmission of the Coronavirus.
In the coming days it appears likely for a single household to go boating together provided that the boating activity is strictly confined to members of the household.
Should this be the case we would like to remind boat owners that boating, by nature, comes with inherent risks and extra care should be taken by boaters to carry out all the required checks prior to going to sea, especially if your vessel has been laid up for a long period over the winter months. Checking the seaworthiness of your boat should be of upmost importance and include items such as batteries, fuel, oil, mechanical and electrical systems, engine / sail controls, steerage and the condition of on-board safety equipment as well as remembering to wear a correctly fitted and serviced lifejacket.
Adopting a cautious and responsible approach in returning to boating will significantly reduce the likelihood of harm and putting extra pressure on frontline emergency services that could have otherwise been avoided. Please also consider that each time the RNLI or HM Coastguard are called out, the responding crews come from different households and are often within their roles unable to maintain 2m social distancing. This puts the crews and their households at further unnecessary risk of contracting Covid-19.
Her Majesty’s Coastguard has recently released the following guidance: “In England, now more than ever, people need to respect our coastline. Whether you’re local or not, experienced around the water or a novice, the sea can still catch you out. Beaches may not be lifeguarded. Social distancing must be observed. If you get into trouble call 999 and ask for the Coastguard and we will come to your aid. But coronavirus hasn’t gone away and we all need to follow the rules. Remember your choices might put people, including yourself and frontline responders, at risk. Take extra care in these extraordinary times.”
I would like to thank all harbour users for their continued support in adhering to the Government guidelines so far, and please be assured that when we receive further Government guidance all users will be advised accordingly.
Captain Ian Vasey - Borough Harbour Master
Ryan Douglas Senior Coastal Operations Officer, HM Coastguard
The short version: Great care is still needed but hopefully you will soon be able to go sailing with members of your own household. Any competitive sailing is out for the moment. You just need to be patient.

All NECRA racing cancelled in May

We will review the situation at the end of April after a virtual meeting on 28th April.

Watch this NEWS for undates as and when they happen.


Race Abandoned

The final race of the Winter Series was abandoned due to ferocious wind conditions. The wind speed hitting 52kts at 09.30. THYC will discuss whether to put the event in later this month. The race presentation has also been abandoned until a decision has been taken.


The race start time for the Winter Series Race 8 has been rescheduled for 9.30am on Sunday 1st March in order to allow time for the boats to return into the Marina. The high tide is at 0727 and at 1100 it is estimated that there will be 2m depth in the channel. Boats need to be back in before then.

Presentation and prize giving in the THYC clubhouse at 1pm after the race

Hartlepool Marina will sponsor a FREE drink for all crew members at 1pm in the THYC clubhouse after the race and there will then be a presentation and prize giving.

Do not miss it



The race today has been postponed and will now take place on Sunday 1st March at 10am.

Possible Postponement of Winter Series Race 8

  2020-02-15   Hi folks Winter Series race 8. A decision will be made tomorrow at 8am about whether to run it or postpone. Please phone Kelvin Mayson - 07775772800 for the decision before travelling to the event. In the event of postponement, the race will be rescheduled for 10 am on 1 March. Whilst this information has been sent out by email to all competitors, please pass this information on to competitors who may not have picked this up. Larry

Membership Renewal

The membership fee for 2020 is due on the 1st January. This particularly important for members who are competing in the Winter Series as your results wont be recorded until your membership is renewed. The website will automatically change dates to 2020 from the 1st until then it will continue to show 2019 but your payment will be recorded for the 2020 season.

Membership Renewal Letter


Hartlepool Marina - Offers for THYC Winter Series Competitors

With the THYC Winter Series fast approaching on the 10th November, Hartlepool Marina has again stepped forward to support us with generous discounts to competitors. This not only includes discounted moorings but also washing off. Sign up soon to take advantage of these offers. The dates and times for races is planned to catch the tides for exit from and entry to the Marina.

Hartlepool Marina Winter Offers - click here


Open AGM and 2019 Prize Giving

The Annual General Meeting for NECRA is on Thursday 24th October at 8.00pm and will be held at Tees and Hartlepool Yacht Club. Afterwards there will prize giving, a meal provided then an open to all discussion about the sailing season and our plans for the future. You are all invited as well as anyone who may be interested in NECRA and may have constructive suggestions on our future development. The more the merrier.

For AGM Agenda - click here


Final Offshore Races - Sunderland & Whitby to Hartlepool

These are the last races of the summer series so come and join us, even if you’re not racing. There are 2 races going on simultaneously from Whitby and Sunderland to arrive at Hartlepool late afternoon. Thanks to the generosity of Hartlepool Marina we are providing an early evening meal for everybody followed by race prize giving and social at the THYC. There is also free mooring at the Marina for competitors. Even if you’re unable to race do come along and join in this final event and share your experiences of this year’s sailing. The whole point of NECRA is to bring likeminded people together. COME AND JOIN IN! Last Races - click here for Program

Whitby YC – Vernon Dawson – Scarborough to Whitby

Our next participating event is Whitby Yacht Clubs Vernon Dawson race on 3rd August from Scarborough to Whitby followed by a race from Whitby to Hartlepool on the Sunday 4th August. Plans are finalised and below you will find the program for the events and the sailing instructions for both are available from the menu. It may seem that getting to Scarborough on the Friday ready for the 9 o’clock start on Saturday is just too much trouble let me assure you that the welcome at Scarborough YC on the Friday and Whitby YC on the Saturday are well worth the effort. Good nights will be had by all! Remember also if you register for the event you will get discounted moorings at both destinations.

Vernon Dawson click here for program


Newsletter - Sunderland to Whitby overnight

The NECRA Sunderland to Whitby overnight race this year turned into one of the best ever. The weather was super clear so we had a brilliant sunset lighting up the spinnakers from behind, an orange orb moon rising out of the sea followed by a glorious sunrise. This is a perfect example of what NECRA is for. A brilliant weekend! See the attached newsletter and look on Facebook for more pictures.

Whitby Overnight Newsletter


Sunderland to Whitby Overnight

The Overnight race to Whitby is Friday 21 June at 2100 with a return race to Hartlepool on Sunday 23 June 0930. Whitby YC are again providing discounted mooring and catering at the club and NECRA will be make a presentation to the winning boats. details of the program are available below and you can download the Sailing Instructions from this website.

Whitby Overnight Program - click here


THYC Regatta - NECRA Inshore Series

The THYC Regatta is on the 15th June and the first 2 races will count towards the Inshore Series. The Regatta has 4 Olympic style races on the Saturday and 1 bay race on the Sunday. All NECRA yachts are invited to join in. Hartlepool Marina is providing free mooring to all competing boats plus the option to stay free for the following week leading up to the Sunderland to Whitby overnight race. You do need to register for these events to get the free mooring. THYC are putting on a BBQ and live entertainment to the band STARWOOKY on the Saturday night and there will be a prize giving during the evening. Tickets for the food and entertainment are £10 and it is recommended that you reserve your tickets in good time. All NECRA competitors will also get drinks vouchers to use on that evening. The details for the event are available to download below:

THYC Regatta Program - click here


Whitby Yacht Club Regatta - NECRA Inshore Series

The WYC regatta is on 25th May and the first 2 races are our first 2 results for the Inshore Series followed by an Offshore race to Hartlepool on the Sunday 26th. If you think that you may compete please register for the event so we can book discounted mooring places at Whitby Marina. This registration needs to be done as soon as possible. The details for the event are available to download below:

Whitby Yacht Club Regatta - click here

  2019-04-09   Hi folks


Can i ask all Google/Gmail users (and perhaps Hotmail and Yahoo) to be aware that some people are reporting that NECRA mail is going directly into their Spam/Junk folders. If this is the case for you than you need to change the settings in your email programme to ensure that future mail is directed to your normal folder.

This can be done by setting up a mail filter or marking the spam/junk items to be moved to your normal mail box.

The other alternative is to regularly check your Spam/Junk box.


Invitation to Join Us - click here


Welcome to the 2019 sailing season

We have a busy and exciting program of races and cruises planned for this coming season and we hope that you will join us.
All the clubs have enthusiastically joined with us to plan some great racing and lively social gatherings. You will see that we are inviting Cruisers to join us this season which will allow them to take advantage of our social and discounts.
The first racing is Whitby Regatta on May 25th with food,prize giving and social afterwards. Whitby YC have even commissioned a Real Ale dedicated to NECRA for the event.
In order to book our moorings we do need members to join and register for the event in good time. The cut-off date will be 30 April.

DONT MISS OUT - Come and Join Us

  2018-12-14   Merry Christmas to all.

Christmas Newsletter

  2018-12-06   The NECRA committee meeting 29 November 2018 has proposed a program for 2019 that will encourage more clubs and members to participate by including all clubs within that program. It is planned to have:
  • Better publicity and communication with clubs and individuals
  • Free or cheaper moorings at events
  • Available food and social events at host clubs
  • Inclusion in SI about costs and social events
  • Production and circulation of race information sooner

  • Hartlepool Marina has generously offered free mooring to visiting boats at and between events. The committee plan better, more frequent publicity about each race, the promise of food and possibly entertainment after each event. A draft program has been agreed subject to the agreement of all the host clubs.
    The next committee meeting will be on 30 January 2019
      2018-05-03   Hi Welcome to the 2018 NECRA season.

    Sailing instructions have been posted for some events. More will be following shortly!

    Have you registered your boat yet? If not, please do so in good time to enable us to get all the details sorted before the racing starts. If you are not on the computer it is not possible for you to figure in the results!
      2017-05-15   Competitors in the THYC NECRA regatta might be interested in having a look in the Photo Gallery. There is a range of photos posted of boats in the two races. Many thanks to the two contributors!

      2017-05-15   Hi folks

    First NECRA racing took place at the weekend at Hartlepool in flat seas and a bit of a breeze. The results have been posted.

    Prior information for boats contemplating Roker Regatta has also been posted in the Sailing instructions section. Mooring arrangements for visitors are detailed! larry
      2017-04-25   Hi folks

    It is only a few weeks to the first NECRA event of 2017, so if you want your boat to take part you need to register soon!

    You can complete the registration formalities on line if you wish, or simply print out an application form, complete and pop it in the mail to the Hon Sec.

    Best wishes for the coming season

      2016-12-24   Hi folks

    Compliments of the Season to all.

    For your information the December Committee Minutes contain a draft of the 2017 season.
      2016-05-06   Hi folks
    Welcome to the 2016 NECRA season.
    The SIs for the THYC regatta have been posted.
    Free moorings and supper on Saturday provided for all competitors.
      2015-10-15   Hi folks

    Just a brief reminder - AGM, Presentation and Open Meeting
    Thursday 22 October, 7.30 pm
    There will be a free buffet served between the Presentation of the trophies and the Open meeting. Come along and make your views on NECRA and the NECRA programme know .
      2015-08-27   Hi folks
    A new set of Sailing Instructions have been posted for the re-arranged Vernon Dawson.

      2015-08-12   Hi All
    The Vernon Dawson has been arranged for Sat 5 September, start time to be confirmed. regards
      2015-07-15   Hi there
    News just in from Whitby/Scarborough. This weekends race (Vernon Dawson) has been postponed because of the weather forecast this weekend. A revised date will be posted as soon as it is available.
      2015-05-13   hi folks
    A reminder - the NECRA sailing seasons begins on Saturday with a Regatta at Hartlepool. Music and a beer fest on Saturday night makes it worth a visit even if you are not racing!

    If you had forgotten all about registering, you can save the late entry fee as there is a late registration /talk on at THYC 8pm Friday evening.
      2015-04-20   hi folks

    Poster for NECRA Regatta here POSTER
      2014-12-19   Hi all
    The minutes of the AGM have been posted. Also a few photos from the prizegiving.
      2014-11-04   Hi folks
    Just as reminder - AGM and Open meeting this Thursday at 8pm THYC. All welcome Larry
      2014-09-02   Hi
    The Sailing Instructions for the RNYC Regatta have now been posted larry
      2014-07-28   Hi folks
    The Vernon Dawson Sailing Instructions have now been posted.
      2014-07-24   Hi folks
    The Sailing Instructions for the second race of the comming weekend have been posted (Whitby - Hartlepool). It is always a great weekend so why not make the effort to take part?
      2014-05-12   Hi folks
    The SI's for the Sunderland- Whitby race have been posted. There is also a poster from WYC detailing the food arrangements and the BAR opening hours!!
      2013-11-12   hi
    The AGM, Prizegiving and Open Meeting will be held at THYC on Friday 29 November at 7.30pm. Full details can be found under Committee Minutes . A buffet supper will be available.
    Hope to see you there.
      2013-09-19   Hi
    The Sunderland - Hartlepool Sailing Instructions have now been posted.
      2013-08-27   Hi all
    SI's for the last inshore event of the season at RNYC have been posted.
    Food and music Friday and Saturday night!- see poster for more details.
      2013-08-22   Hi Folks
    Draft Sailing Instructions for Roker Regatta are now posted.
    Also on Friday night there is a quiz on starting around 8pm.
    Saturday night - CPT Aye - Aye cocktails, disco and games from 7.30pm till late .
      2013-07-06   Hi

    The Sailing Instructions for the Vernon Dawson have now been posted.
      2013-06-14   Hi
    SI's for the Witby - Hartlepool race hace been posted
    The bar times and social arrangements for the Whitby weekend have also been posted under the Sailing Instructions
      2013-06-12   A quick heads up for competitors intending doing the Whitby - HPool race - start time 09.00!!

      2013-06-06   Hi folks

    The Bass Rock race results have been posted - as have the Sailing Instructions for the Overnight Race
      2013-05-14   hi Just a brief reminder - the first races of the inshore series take place this weekend at Hartlepool.

    If you would like to take part you need to register with NECRA now if you have not already done so. It would be very helpful to THYC if you could also indicate your Intention to Race (see menu on the LHS)
      2013-04-25   Hi folks

    Arrangements for THYC Necra regatta have been posted under Sailing Instructions. The actual SIs will be posted as soon as the NOR and class divisions have been finalised by the committee.
      2013-04-07   Hi
    The next meeting of the NECRA committee is on Fridasay 12 April. One of the agenda items is class structure for 2013. To date class splits (other than white sail) have been defined by boat ratings. Alternatives are being considered eg - light/heavy as defined by (disp/lwl) ratio or (sa/disp) ratio. If you have any views on a prefered method, please contact your NECRA rep as soon as possible.
      2012-12-13   Hi

    The provisional 2013 race programme has now been posted on the website.

    An e-mail has been sent to all on the database in an attempt to check out email addresses as well as update the records. If you have been registered with NECRA in the past 10 years you should have received a copy. If you have not yet replied, please do so!! If you have not had a copy of the e-mail, please contact me with your current e-mail address and I will ensure it is updated on the system.
      2012-12-07   The programme for 2013 has now been posted, see Menu item -Provisional Programme 2013.
      2012-12-02   Next committee meeting - 5 December - to finalise the NECRA progremme. (an outline in the minutes of the AGM). If you have any comments/views contact your rep asap .
      2012-11-30   Hi Again

    Appologies for the delay in sorting out the problems with news and photos. Hopefully the site is now working correctly again!

    What has happened since the last post? The AGM, Prizegiving and Open Meeting have been held. Minutes are posted on the site. There is also a collection of photos in the photo gallery.

    Over the next few weeks I intend to update the site a little. One alteration will be to dd the facility for crew members to join the database and receive e-mails. I also intend to check out e-mail addresses that i have, as some people appear not to be receiving bulk e-mails. Please bear with me if you get some test posting from the site - it is the only way i can confirm what is actually happening.
      2012-06-07   For any NECRA competitor who was intending to do the Vernon Dawson race (Scarborough to Whitby) - it has been postponed until 6 October!
      2012-06-05   Start times and Sailing Instructions for the Farnes Race and the Sunderland - Whitby overnight race have now been posted.
      2012-05-19   Course sheet and chartlet showing marks for THYC NECRA regatta have now been posted. If you have not yet registered, you need to do so over the next couple of days to avoid a surcharge!
      2012-05-16   The Sailing Instructions for the THYC NECRA regatta 2012 have now been posted, THYC courses will follow shortly!
      2012-05-11   Hi
    This season Whitby YC have extended an invitation to participate in their Vernon Dawson race (Scarborough to Whitby) to boats from all NECRA affiliated yacht clubs. Details can be obtained by clicking on this Vernon Dawson details (pdf ).

    This event is always well supported by SYC and WYC boats, so if you fancy racing in a big fleet why not take part?
      2012-02-07   Minutes of the last (Jan) Committee Meeting have now been posted.

    Advanced Notice- there is to be an Open Meeting (Extra-odinary General Meeting?) to ratify the new Committee Members on Friday 17 Feb at THYC.

    The agenda and formal notice will be issued shortly.
      2012-02-03   Details of the 2012 programme have been posted. Unconfirmed times will be updated as soon as they are available. The Committee is working hard on this and other items like NOR so keep checking for updates. larry
      2011-12-19   The minutes of the most recent committee meeting have been published.

    .Please note the provisional programme. If you have any comments please contact you NECRA rep and make your views known.
      2011-12-13   Great news! The NECRA Reps have met with David Wheldon (SYC) and Barry Hughes (THYC). The two have agreed to act as Chairman and Secretary pro-tem to enable NECRA to continue to function and put together a 2012 programme. An extra-ordinary meeting will be called in the spring to elect (confirm?) the new officials. Minutes of the meeting will be published shortly - together with a provisional programme for 2012,

    I wish the committee and the new officers every success.

      2011-09-12   The NECRA AGM will be held in Tees & Hartlepool Yacht Club on Wednesday, 19th October at 7.30pm.
      2011-06-09   The NECRA regatta results have been posted. a rather windy weekend that perhaps discouraged some visitors from attending!

    The next event is the popular Overnight race from Sunderland to Whitby on 17 June. Sailing Instructions have been posted
      2011-05-20   The Sailing Instructions for the NECRA Regatta at Hartlepool have now been posted. Visiting boats should inform the Marina that they are NECRA competitors - special rates have been agreed.

    Please also remember, late registration incurs and additional late registration fee!
      2011-04-15   The minutes of the April Committee Meeting have been posted. They contain the confirmed programme and arrangements for the NECRA Regatta at THYC.
      2011-01-20   The Race program for 2011 has now been posted.

    The new registration form is also available - why not register now whilst you remember?
      2010-12-07   Minutes of the November Committee Meeting have been posted. They contain suggestions for next years programme - if you have any comments, get in touch with your local NECRA rep asap.
      2010-11-28   The minutes of the 2010 AGM and Open meeting have been posted.
      2010-10-08   The agenda for this years AGM has been posted on the Committee Minutes page.

    The AGM will be followed by the 2010 Prize Giving and a free curry supper. There will be an Open meeting later in the evening when all can express their views on the 2010 season and discuss changes for 2011.
      2010-09-02   The Sailing Instructions for the Whitby Mini Series has just been posted. If the instructions are anything to go by, it looks as though it will be a cracking event. Food will be available in the yacht club on Saturday night - together with music!!
      2010-08-01   The Sailing Instructions for the two feeder races to the Tall Ships at Hartlepool have just been posted.

    Sorry for the short notice, I have just got back from holiday!
      2010-05-10   Update on the mooring concessions for the Spring Bank Holiday regatta:-

    Berthing for the Necra weekend will be £10 per night per boat in the marina, and if visiting yachts would like the week before, it will be £50 per boat per week.

    There will also be a curry supper available in THYC on Saturday evening.
      2010-05-06   The sailing instructions and courses have been posted for the first NECRA event at Hartlepool (Spring Bank Holiday weekend). Further details regarding arrangements for catering and moorings will be posted here as they become available. For those who have not yet registered with NECRA, please note that the Hon Sec would appreciate your doing so well prior to the event rather than on the day (besides which is cheaper!!).
      2010-01-21   Compliments of the season to all

    The minutes of the most recent committee meeting has been posted. This includes the confirmed programme for the 2010 season.

    Could members please register as soon as possible as late entries causes the HOn Sec much angst.
      2009-12-03   The minutes of the last committee meeting have been posted. This includes a provisional race program for 2010.

    If you have any comments, please contact your club rep to make your views known!
      2009-10-06   Hi folks,
    Sorry for the problems over the last couple of days - our domain host had a catastrophic server failure on Saturday night and everything was lost! It means that the site has been restored from backups that i maintain on my computers.

    However, some of the more recent data has been lost and will need to be re-inputted - which will take a little time. Please be patient, the site should be back to normal in a few days
      2009-09-09   The Sailing Instructions for the last event of the season (19 September) have been posted.

    THYC bar will be open from 5pm - food served until 9pm - live music 9-9.30pm - quiz 9.30-10.30pm - live music until 11pm ish. All welcome!

      2009-09-03   You may have noticed a change in the format of the news!

    This is to facilitate quicker posting of news items. The system has been re-written to make it easier for the NECRA Secretary to do this usually, rather than pass the information on to the web-master.
      2008-09-10   The next Committee Meeting will take place on Wednesdsay 17 September. This will be the last meeting of the current committee before the AGM. The Agenda has been posted in the Minutes of Meetings Section. If you have any points to raise about the results, please contact your rep or e-mail webmaster as soon as possible. They will be ratified at the meeting!
      2008-09-16   Apologies, despite what it said on 3rd September, the Overall Results (provisional until ratified at meeting on Wednesday) have just been posted!

    Dates for your diary, AGM - Saturday 4 October at THYC, Prizegiving - Saturday 25 October at SYC.
      2008-09-29   The AGM is to be held on Saturday 4 October, 7.30 in THYC. To date there have been no nominations for the Management Committee. Without a committee it is difficult to see how NECRA can continue - if the membership values NECRA, then something needs to happen!!

    The minutes of the last committee meeting have been posted.
      2008-11-08   The 2008 AGM was adjourned - there were no nominations for Chairman or Treasurer although we have a new Secretary. The meeting will be re-convened after giving clubs and the membership the opportunity to put together a management committee for 2009. Failing this I am open to suggestions as how to proceed. The minutes of the adjourned meeting have been posted.
    Both the Prizegiving and adjourned AGM will be held at 8pm on Wednesday 3 December at THYC. A free buffet will follow the meetings. There will only be one item on the agenda of the re-convened AGM- Can NECRA continue as an organisation without a management committee? If you have any interest in NECRA continuing to function as a viable organisation, then this is your last chance to make your views heard. Notice of the meeting will be sent to all names on the NECRA database. Obviously the meeting is open to ANYONE interested in NECRA.
      2008-12-17   Great news, a new Management Committee was formed at the re-convened AGM. Details of the officials are available under the Contacts menu item.

    The minutes of the new committee's first meeting have been posted. A draft programme for 2009 has been proposed and is in the minutes.
      2009-01-13   A Happy New Year to all Necra competitors.

    The Committee will be meeting on Sunday 18 January, when amongst other things it will confirm the 2008 programme. The Agenda has been posted. If you have any views, get in touch with your reps ASAP!
      2009-01-22   The NECRA Committee met at the weekend and finalised the 2009 programme. The minutes of the meeting and the programme have been posted.

    Registrations for the 2009 season are welcomed - remember, the sooner you register, the more likely you are to stimulate others to do the same. Please use the on-line registration form.
      2009-04-16   The next Committee Meeting is Sunday 26 April, so if there is anything you wish to have raised, please see your NECRA rep as soon as possible.

    Registration is now open for the 2009 season - early registration benefits everyone - it gives the Secretary more time to get organized and gives other competitors the encouragement to join in. Why not do it now if you have not already registered? What have you got too lose?
      2009-04-19   Details of the NECRA regatta can be found by clicking on the link here - [NECRA Regatta poster].
      2009-05-08   Provisional Sailing Instructions have been posted for the NECRA Regatta at Hartlepool. With free moorings in the marina for competitors, it promises to be a well supported event, weather permitting!
      2009-08-03   Members may be interested in this forthcoming event at Whitby which preceeds the NECRA weekend. Click on the link here for details [Mini Event Poster (pdf) ]